Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Life Lessons in Film

Many teachers may try to tell you that you can't really learn from watching TV or movies. And while I would much rather see you pick up a book (seriously - if you guys read this summer, Instagram it, it'll warm my heart), I eon't pretend that the visual arts doesn't have value, as well. I personally have learned quite a few things from the big (and little) screen over the years. 

Now, the key to benefitting from hours of Netflix surfing is to recognize that these movies and TV shows are actually teaching you something while you're being potato-like. But usually, we don't even notice that we've learned anything at all - in fact, I bet that some of the examples I'm going to show you are ones that you've already absorbed, whether you're aware of it or not. 

Speaking of which...here you go: Lessons Miss VanSickle learned from the Movies.

From 10 Things I Hate About You:

From Aladdin:

From Alice in Wonderland:

From Edward Scissorhands:

From Ferris Bueller's Day Off:

From Hercules:

From The Lion King:

From Mean Girls:

From The Princess Bride:

From Raiders of the Lost Ark:

From Sandlot:

From Star Wars:

From Who Framed Roger Rabbit?:

Your job this summer will be to document all the lessons that you learn outside the classroom. I'll even document some of my new discoveries to share with you!

- Miss VanSickle